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Eco Village Programs ....

Our Eco Village Program is vital education with an experience at the forefront delivered by true Grenadians. We will share many practices and methods of cooking, and how to use and prepare various resources organised in the program of your choice.

We will tour and host our visitors to visit the many beauty spots, we will provide guide representatives for members to adventure the Island and get a full cultural experience.

Cultural & Educational Activities

Our cultural & education program is education at the forefront ....

We have a list of educational & cultural activities implemented in our program for all volunteers, here is a list of experiences you will enjoy and take back home with you.

Chocolate Production, harvesting, tasting the seed directly from the fruit, drying in our sweat boxes, grinding and making into pure cocoa balls.

Knowing the differences between Green Bananas, Plantains, and Bologo, all are very nutritional and have medicinal benefits for our overall health.

We are picking and learning to replant during the harvest of many more species & varieties of the garden of Grenada in the bush.

Visitors & Services

We invite all service providers to engage with our community and deliver education whether it be education helping children read, do maths, social enterprising business, and our visitors having the opportunity to provide on-site to the local community. This area is still in development so please fill in the submit form and tell us what you can do and contribute toward the project's programs, we have the universe to think about and all of its gifts in you.

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