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Volunteer &
Book Stay

Volunteering & staying on-site will start in November, many volunteering members will book their stay during November, December, and January, and will have multiple choices to contribute work toward the eco-site.


We have segregated the work packages to make it as clear as possible about the work that needs to be completed before evaluating the next stages and where our members can contribute their skill sets to the program. 


We are open source and open-minded to taking on our members' ideas and making them happen on-site with shared hard work and determination toward creating the best educational experience for all participants.

Choose Your Accommodation Preference?
Mandatory Donation

Ecotourism & Village benefits

Ecotourism and cultural education offer a wide range of benefits, both to the environment and local communities. Here are some of the key advantages:

1. Environmental Conservation: Ecotourism promotes the conservation of natural resources and the protection of ecosystems. By bringing people closer to nature and raising awareness about the importance of preserving the environment, ecotourism helps to minimize the negative impacts of traditional tourism activities such as habitat destruction, pollution, and deforestation.

2. Support for Local Communities: Ecotourism often involves working closely with local communities, providing them with economic opportunities and incentives to conserve their natural and cultural heritage. This can lead to the creation of jobs, income generation, and improved infrastructure in these communities, helping to alleviate poverty and improve quality of life.

3. Cultural Preservation: Cultural education through tourism helps to preserve and promote traditional customs, practices, and heritage of indigenous communities. By engaging with tourists and sharing their cultural knowledge, local communities can maintain their traditions and pass them on to future generations.

4. Cross-Cultural Understanding: Cultural education in tourism fosters cross-cultural understanding and appreciation among visitors. By interacting with locals, participating in traditional activities, and learning about different ways of life, tourists can gain a deeper understanding of diverse cultures and develop a greater sense of empathy and respect for others.

5. Promotion of Sustainable Practices: Ecotourism encourages the adoption of sustainable practices in tourism operations, such as minimizing waste, conserving water and energy, supporting local products, and promoting eco-friendly transportation options. By demonstrating sustainable tourism practices, ecotourism can serve as a model for the wider tourism industry.

6. Educational Opportunities: Ecotourism and cultural education provide valuable learning experiences for tourists, allowing them to gain insights into the natural environment, wildlife, and local cultures. This can lead to increased awareness of global environmental issues, cultural diversity, and the importance of conservation efforts.

7. Personal Growth and Well-being: Engaging in ecotourism and cultural education can have personal benefits for tourists, such as enhanced well-being, a sense of fulfillment, and a deeper connection to nature and diverse cultures. These experiences can be enriching and transformative, leading to personal growth and a greater appreciation for the world around us.


Overall, ecotourism and cultural education play a crucial role in promoting sustainable development, preserving natural and cultural heritage, and fostering positive interactions between tourists and local communities. By embracing these principles, we can create a more responsible and inclusive tourism industry that benefits both people and the planet.

  • Thu, 14 Nov
    Flo & The De Gales Eco Village
    14 Nov 2024, 00:00 – 10 Feb 2025, 00:00
    Flo & The De Gales Eco Village, Grenada
    14 Nov 2024, 00:00 – 10 Feb 2025, 00:00
    Flo & The De Gales Eco Village, Grenada
    Fixing Windows, Implementing Glass & Screens.
  • Thu, 14 Nov
    Flo & The De Gales Eco Village
    14 Nov 2024, 00:00 – 10 Feb 2025, 00:00
    Flo & The De Gales Eco Village, Grenada
    14 Nov 2024, 00:00 – 10 Feb 2025, 00:00
    Flo & The De Gales Eco Village, Grenada
    Building decking platforms outside of the building, and circular Open Bell tent platforms.
  • Thu, 14 Nov
    Flo & The De Gales Eco Village
    14 Nov 2024, 00:00 – 14 Dec 2024, 00:00
    Flo & The De Gales Eco Village, Grenada
    14 Nov 2024, 00:00 – 14 Dec 2024, 00:00
    Flo & The De Gales Eco Village, Grenada
    Rendering room walls ready for painting and decorating.
  • Thu, 14 Nov
    Flo & The De Gales Eco Village
    14 Nov 2024, 00:00 – 14 Dec 2024, 00:00
    Flo & The De Gales Eco Village, Grenada
    14 Nov 2024, 00:00 – 14 Dec 2024, 00:00
    Flo & The De Gales Eco Village, Grenada
    Screening Indoor Concrete Floor, & Buffering.
  • Thu, 14 Nov
    Flo & The De Gales Eco Village
    14 Nov 2024, 00:00 – 14 Dec 2024, 00:00
    Flo & The De Gales Eco Village, Grenada
    14 Nov 2024, 00:00 – 14 Dec 2024, 00:00
    Flo & The De Gales Eco Village, Grenada
    Fixing Roof, Guttering, and Rendering Outside Exterior.
  • Sat, 14 Dec
    Flo & The De Gales Eco Village
    14 Dec 2024, 00:00 – 10 Feb 2025, 00:00
    Flo & The De Gales Eco Village, Grenada
    14 Dec 2024, 00:00 – 10 Feb 2025, 00:00
    Flo & The De Gales Eco Village, Grenada
    Painting and decorating rooms.
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